In honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday, here is a poem that hopelly won't make him roll over in his grave. Christamar Varicella's book, There Are Sneetches in my Breeches and Other Parodies, will be published this summer.
Cover by Christiana Helgeson.
There are sneetches in my breeches.
I don’t know
what to say.
I asked them
all to leave my pants.
They stayed
there anyway.
I tried to
be a gentleman.
I tried to
be polite.
I said,
“It’s time to go, you know,
If that
would be alright.”
“Now, please
don’t have conniptions,
And please
don’t have a cow,
But like Mr.
Marvin Katherine Mooney,
You need to
please go now.”
And just
like Marvin Mooney
They ignored
me most completely,
They showed ‘most
no regard at all
For the
words I spoke so sweetly.
Instead they
danced and pranced about
They drove
their old go-carts
All around
the places known
As my
private parts.
They stayed
all day, the next night too
And soon
there was no doubt
The sneetches
always wanted in
And never
wanted out.
And each
morning they cooked breakfast
Of green
eggs, ham, and toast
And late
into the evenings
They held
marshmallow roasts.
I did my
best, I grabbed, I swiped
I tried
real hard to catch ‘em
And douse
the fires burning me
From my
scroat down to my rectum.
Now normally
I can handle things
I’m a fix-it
kind of chappie.
But they
keep messing with my mind
they’re messing with my lappy.
I said, “Hey
all you sneetches,
You snooty
kind of smarties
This is not
the kind of place
To hold
frankfurter parties.
If there’s
one thing that I’m knowing
You should
stay out of the jeans
Of the man
whose mother named him
Sylvester M
But the
sneetches they just sat there
with their oompahs
and their flutes.
danced in my grickle grass
while wearing barbaloot suits.
completely they ignored me,
They shut
out all my words
And they
invited in new sneetches
To join
their growing herd.
sneetches had pain bellies
While others
wore blue stars
They came
from almost everywhere
From anear
and from afar.
They swarmed
all over every spot
From back
‘round to my belly
And some
brought jars of peanut butter
And some
brought jam and jelly.
That’s when
I screamed, I yelled, I screeched
At those
rotten sneetches,
“It’s time
for you to leave my pants
And stay out
of my breeches!"
It's sad I had to be so mean.
You know I had to ride ‘em.
“Go find a pair of pale green pants
With nobody
inside ‘em.”
That’s when
one of those fellows
Who was gnawing
at some peaches
said, “Man
that’s going to cost you, well,
‘bout twenty
dollars eaches.”
My friends I
am never happy
Giving my money
when it’s the sneetches
Who are the
ones who ought to pay.
That’s when
I said, I said it nice,
I never meant
to be mean,
“My friends I
think you need a trip
through my Sneetch-Out machine.”
And soon it
was put together
It klonked
and berked and jerked
But when it pointed
at a sneetch
The damned
thing didn’t work.
The only way
it succeeded
Was in
taking off their stars
but frankly
I don’t give a crap
If they have
them on thars.
I tried
again and it broke down
The thing
just wouldn’t start
When I
kicked it in the motor
completely fell apart.
And the herd
it just kept growing,
They invited
all their friends
From each
familiar story
You’ve read
time and time again.
They invited
a grumpy Lorax,
The Grinch
and a couple of Zax
And 23 Daves
and a Yook and a Zook
and a turtle
whose name was Mack.
They called
a bird named Mayzie
and a
goldfish named Gustav
They tried
to call Horton the elephant
But I cut
the cell phone off.
Then showed
up old King Yertle
Saying, “oh
marvelous me,
Is that a wocket
in your pocket,
Or are you just
glad to see me?”
And all
those folks kept partying
driving into
a frenzy
and you know
that they’ve been doing that
a week now come
this Wednesday.
Now I have a
new feeling
That’s troubling
to describe
I find I’m
on a new wavelength
With a funky
kind of vibe.
They tickle
and they shock me
I feel a
little gay.
And don’t
you know it isn’t my heart
three sizes this day.
And now the
time comes to admit
That all the
fun and biking
The flips
and flops and somersaults
Have grown into
my liking.
Now I love
to have each sneetch
Inside my
holey britches
Even if every
now and then
My injuries
require some stitches.
And for all
of you I’m speaking to
Who haven’t
found your niches
I suggest
opening up your pants
To a couple
hundred sneetches.
I know it’s
hard imagining
something like that
But this
isn’t like Things One and Two
In the book
the Cat in the Hat.
It’s wild
and fun and squirrely
Just like
that Sam I Am
And I
promise you it beats the hell
Out of green
eggs and ham.
I tell you
now, I tell everyone
the whole
bloody nation
having a
sneetches in your breeches
Is a
wonderful sensation.
An Ode to
My Underwear; 50 Shades
of Sex; Review:
The Supreme Bean; A
Curious Incident at the Monkey House; Foxes and
Chickens: an Allegory
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