Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Complete Fake Book Reviews

Hello again,

For those of you anxiously awaiting the pdf of all the fake book reviews ever posted on this site, the wait is over!  Click the link below to read send-ups of Animal Farm, Stieg Larrson, the hallowed sport of baseball, and Mitt Romney.  Among other things, you will learn about the idealogical schism that exists among staff members of the Daily Brass, the true story behind the mystery of the Doo Doo Monster, and why the Charlie Sheen Bean is better than the Mean Green Fighting Ma-Bean.  Read in good health.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Open Letters

The link below contains a pdf with the complete collection of silly open letters to famous authors contained on this site.  These include letters to Cormac McCarthy, Philip Roth, Ayn Rand, David Foster Wallace, Dave Eggers, Thomas Pynchon, Tom Wolfe, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Stephanie Meyer, J.K. Rowling, and Jack Kerouac.  There may be more, I can't remember.

Also, thanks to all the well-wishers and would-be mourners who thought I was dead.  In fact, I've been out of the hospital for a month (I had a bump on the head, nothing serious).  I guess I got busy and forgot I was running this blog.  Thanks to Sally Putterman for all the hard work she put into the Daily Brass while I was away. 

Now, on to the letters:
